How to merge vCard ( .vcf ) files

I wrote this post about 2 year ago but still people likes it. Thats mean its still someones problem. So I decide that publish this post as English.

Let me explain how it works; how to merge vcf files on Windows ! I don’t use that os but I know you are still using windows 🙂

Step-by-step merging vCard (.vcf) files

  • Copy all vCard files, can be separated thousands of it,  in same folder. For example C:\rehber
  • Open command line ( Windows + R > cmd.exe )
  • Go to correct folder by writing “cd C:\rehber”
  • Than the miracle : copy *.vcf merged.vcf


Thats it. You can merge all vCard files by using just one line command. You can import your all contacts in one file on Goolge Contacts.

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